History API
A HistoryEntry object looks like:
// Information about a recently visited item or page in Canvas
// The asset string for the item viewed
"asset_code": "assignment_123",
// The name of the item
"asset_name": "Test Assignment",
// The icon type shown for the item. One of 'icon-announcement',
// 'icon-assignment', 'icon-calendar-month', 'icon-discussion', 'icon-document',
// 'icon-download', 'icon-gradebook', 'icon-home', 'icon-message',
// 'icon-module', 'icon-outcomes', 'icon-quiz', 'icon-user', 'icon-syllabus'
"asset_icon": "icon-assignment",
// The associated category describing the asset_icon
"asset_readable_category": "Assignment",
// The type of context of the item visited. One of 'Course', 'Group', 'User', or
// 'Account'
"context_type": "Course",
// The id of the context, if applicable
"context_id": 123,
// The name of the context
"context_name": "Something 101",
// The URL of the item
"visited_url": "https://canvas.example.com/courses/123/assignments/456",
// When the page was visited
"visited_at": "2019-08-01T19:49:47Z",
// The estimated time spent on the page in seconds
"interaction_seconds": 400
List recent history for a user HistoryController#index
GET /api/v1/users/:user_id/history
Return a paginated list of the user's recent history. History entries are returned in descending order, newest to oldest. You may list history entries for yourself (use self
as the user_id), for a student you observe, or for a user you manage as an administrator. Note that the per_page
pagination argument is not supported and the number of history entries returned per page will vary.