SIS Import Format Documentation

Instructure Canvas can integrate with an institution's Student Information Services (SIS) in several ways. The simplest way involves providing Canvas with several CSV files describing users, courses, and enrollments. These files can be zipped together and uploaded to the Account admin area.

Standard CSV rules apply:

All text should be UTF-8 encoded.

All timestamps are sent and returned in ISO 8601 format. All timestamps default to UTC time zone unless specified.


Batch Mode

If the option to do a "full batch update" is selected in the UI, then this SIS upload is considered to be the new canonical set of data, and data from previous SIS imports that isn't present in this import will be deleted. This can be useful if the source SIS software doesn't have a way to send delete records as part of the import. This deletion is scoped to a single term, which must be specified when uploading the SIS import. Use this option with caution, as it can delete large data sets without any prompting on the individual records. Currently, this affects courses, sections and enrollments.

This option will only affect data that has been involved in a previous SIS job -- either created by a previous import, or referenced by a SIS job after a SIS ID was manually added. Manually created courses with no SIS ID, for example, won't be deleted even if they don't appear in the new SIS import.

During a term batch mode may be used often and if a partial file is sent, many objects can become deleted. Using change_threshold=5 will only delete objects if the number of objects to delete is less than 5% of the objects for the term. For example: If change_threshold set to 5 and the term has 100 courses, and batch_mode would delete more than 5 of the courses the batch will abort before the courses are deleted. The change_threshold can be set to any integer between 1 and 100.

change_threshold also impacts diffing mode.

Multi Term Batch Mode

Multi term batch mode is just like batch mode except against multiple terms. Multi term batch mode is run against all terms included in the same import for the batch. To use multi term batch mode you must also set a change_threshold. If you intend to remove all items with multi term batch mode, you can set the change_threshold to 100.

Diffing Mode

If your account has a SIS integration that is sending its entire data set on each import, rather than just sending what has changed, you can speed up the import process by enabling diffing mode. In diffing mode, a preprocessing step in Canvas will compare the current SIS import against the last successful SIS import with the same data set identifier, and only apply the difference between the two imports.

For instance, If user A is created by import 1, and then the name is changed for user A on import 2, Canvas will apply the new information for user A.

If user B is created by import 1, and then user B is omitted from import 2, Canvas will mark the user as deleted.

If user C is created by import 1, and the exact same information is specified for user C in import 2, Canvas will mark that nothing has changed for that CSV row and skip looking up user C entirely. This can greatly speed up SIS imports with thousands of rows that change rarely.

It is important to note that if any SIS data was changed outside of that previous CSV import, the changes will not be noticed by the diffing code. For example:

  1. Import 1 sets user A state to "active".
  2. An admin sets user A state to "deleted" either through the Canvas UI, or a non-diff SIS import.
  3. Import 2 sets user A state to "active" again, and is configured to diff against Import 1.
  4. Because only the difference between Import 1 and Import 2 is applied, and the user's state is "active" in both CSVs, the user remains deleted.

Diffing mode is enabled by passing the diffing_data_set_identifier option in the "Import SIS Data" API call. This is a unique, non-changing string identifier for the series of SIS imports that will be diffed against one another. The string can contain any valid UTF-8, and be up to 128 bytes in length. If an account has multiple SIS integrations that want to take advantage of diffing, each integration can select a unique data set identifier to avoid interfering with each other.

When choosing a data set identifier, it's important to include any relevant details to differentiate this data set from other import data sets that may come concurrently or later. This might include things such as source system, data type, and term id. Some examples of good identifiers:

Diffing mode by default marks objects as "deleted" when they are not included for an import, but enrollments can be marked as 'completed' or 'inactive' if the diffing_drop_status is passed.

If changes are made to SIS-managed objects outside of the normal import process, as in the example given above, it may be necessary to process a SIS import with the same data set identifier, but apply the entire import rather than applying just the diff. To enable this mode, set the diffing_remaster_data_set=true option when creating the import, and it will be applied without diffing. The next import for the same data set will still diff against that import.

If using automated systems and diffing and there is an issue where the system sends a partial or an empty file, diffing would see that all users not included should be removed. Using change_threshold=10 will then not perform diffing if the files being compared are greater than 10% different. The threshold can be set to help prevent removing objects unintentionally. When set and the file is over 10% different it will be the same as if diffing_remaster_data_set=true. The change_threshold can be set to any integer between 1 and 100.

change_threshold also impacts batch mode.


When a user makes a change to imported data in Canvas (e.g., changes a name), this change is "sticky" and is set as the new default. By default, these "sticky" changes are not overwritten on the next SIS import. This can be overridden by selecting the Override UI option, which allows Canvas to overwrite any "sticky" data updated in the Canvas UI. Otherwise, changes from an import with conflicting data would be disregarded and the existing user data would not be changed. See below for an indication of which fields have this "sticky" property

CSV Data Formats


Field Name Data Type Required Sticky Description
user_id text A unique identifier used to reference users in the enrollments table. This identifier must not change for the user, and must be globally unique. In the user interface, this is called the SIS ID.
integration_id text A secondary unique identifier useful for more complex SIS integrations. This identifier must not change for the user, and must be globally unique.
login_id text The name that a user will use to login to Instructure. If you have an authentication service configured (like LDAP), this will be their username from the remote system.
password text

If the account is configured to use LDAP or an SSO protocol then this should not be set. Otherwise this is the password that will be used to login to Canvas along with the 'login_id' above.

Setting the password will in most cases log the user out of Canvas. If the user has managed to change their password in Canvas they will not be affected by this. This latter case would happen if your institution transitioned from using Canvas authentication to a SSO solution. For this reason it is important to not set this if you are using LDAP or an SSO protocol.

ssha_password text Instead of a plain-text password, you can pass a pre-hashed password using the SSHA password generation scheme in this field. While better than passing a plain text password, you should still encourage users to change their password after logging in for the first time.
authentication_provider_id text or integer

The authentication provider this login is associated with. Logins associated with a specific provider can only be used with that provider. Legacy providers (LDAP, CAS, SAML) will search for logins associated with them, or unassociated logins. New providers will only search for logins explicitly associated with them. This can be the integer ID of the provider, or the type of the provider (in which case, it will find the first matching provider).

first_name text Given name of the user. If present, used to construct full_name and/or sortable_name.
last_name text Last name of the user. If present, used to construct full_name and/or sortable_name.
full_name text Full name of the user. Omit first_name and last_name if this is provided.
sortable_name text Sortable name of the user. This is normally inferred from the user's name, but you can customize it here.
short_name text Display name of the user. This is normally inferred from the user's name, but you can customize it here.
email text The email address of the user. This might be the same as login_id, but should still be provided.
pronouns text User's preferred pronouns. Can pass "<delete>" to remove the pronoun from the user.
status enum active, deleted

At least one form of name should be supplied. If a user is being created and no name is given, the login_id will be used as the name.

When a user is 'deleted' it will delete the login tied to the sis_id. If the login is the last one, all of the users enrollments will also be deleted and they won't be able to log in to the school's account. If you still want the student to be able to log in but just not participate, leave the student 'active' but set the enrollments to 'completed'.


01103,bsmith01,,,Bob,Smith,Bobby Smith,,active


Field Name Data Type Required Sticky Description
account_id text A unique identifier used to reference accounts in the enrollments data. This identifier must not change for the account, and must be globally unique. In the user interface, this is called the SIS ID.
parent_account_id text The account identifier of the parent account. If this is blank the parent account will be the root account. Note that even if all values are blank, the column must be included to differentiate the file from a group import.
name text The name of the account
status enum active, deleted
integration_id text Sets the integration_id of the account

Any account that will have child accounts must be listed in the csv before any child account references it.




Field Name Data Type Required Sticky Description
term_id text A unique identifier used to reference terms in the enrollments data. This identifier must not change for the account, and must be globally unique. In the user interface, this is called the SIS ID.
name text The name of the term
status enum active, deleted
integration_id text Sets the integration_id of the term
date_override_enrollment_type text When set, all columns except term_id, status, start_date, and end_date will be ignored for this row. Can only be used for an existing term. If status is active, the term dates will be set to apply only to enrollments of the given type. If status is deleted, the currently set dates for the given enrollment type will be removed. Must be one of StudentEnrollment, TeacherEnrollment, TaEnrollment, or DesignerEnrollment.
start_date date The date the term starts. The format should be in ISO 8601: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
end_date date The date the term ends. The format should be in ISO 8601: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ


T002,Spring2011,active,2013-1-03 00:00:00,2013-05-03 00:00:00-06:00


Field Name Data Type Required Sticky Description
course_id text A unique identifier used to reference courses in the enrollments data. This identifier must not change for the account, and must be globally unique. In the user interface, this is called the SIS ID.
short_name text A short name for the course
long_name text A long name for the course. (This can be the same as the short name, but if both are available, it will provide a better user experience to provide both.)
account_id text The account identifier from accounts.csv. New courses will be attached to the root account if not specified here
term_id text The term identifier from terms.csv, if no term_id is specified the default term for the account will be used
status enum active, deleted, completed, published
integration_id text Sets the integration_id of the course
start_date date The course start date. The format should be in ISO 8601: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
end_date date The course end date. The format should be in ISO 8601: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
course_format enum on_campus, online, blended
blueprint_course_id text The SIS id of a pre-existing Blueprint course. When provided, the current course will be set up to receive updates from the blueprint course. Requires Blueprint Courses feature. To remove the Blueprint Course link you can pass 'dissociate' in place of the id.

If the start_date is set, it will override the term start date. If the end_date is set, it will override the term end date.


E411208,ENG115,English 115: Intro to English,A002,,active
R001104,BIO300,"Biology 300: Rocking it, Bio Style",A004,Fall2011,active
A110035,ART105,"Art 105: ""Art as a Medium""",A001,,active


Field Name Data Type Required Sticky Description
section_id text A unique identifier used to reference sections in the enrollments data. This identifier must not change for the section, and must be globally unique. In the user interface, this is called the SIS ID.
course_id text The course identifier from courses.csv
name text The name of the section
status enum active, deleted
integration_id text Sets the integration_id of the section
start_date date The section start date. The format should be in ISO 8601: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
end_date date The section end date The format should be in ISO 8601: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ

If the start_date is set, it will override the course and term start dates. If the end_date is set, it will override the course and term end dates.


S001,E411208,Section 1,active,,
S002,E411208,Section 2,active,,
S003,R001104,Section 1,active,,


Field Name Data Type Required Sticky Description
course_id text ✓* The course identifier from courses.csv
root_account text The domain of the account to search for the user.
start_date date The enrollment start date. For start_date to take effect the end_date also needs to be populated. The format should be in ISO 8601: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
end_date date The enrollment end date. For end_date to take effect the start_date also needs to be populated. The format should be in ISO 8601: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
user_id text ✓* The User identifier from users.csv, required to identify user. If the user_integration_id is present, this field will be ignored.
user_integration_id text ✓* The integration_id of the user from users.csv required to identify user if the user_id is not present.
role text ✓* student, teacher, ta, observer, designer, or a custom role defined by the account
role_id text ✓* Uses a role id, either built-in or defined by the account
section_id text ✓* The section identifier from sections.csv, if none is specified the default section for the course will be used
status enum active, deleted, completed, inactive, deleted_last_completed**
associated_user_id text For observers, the user identifier from users.csv of a student in the same course that this observer should be able to see grades for. Ignored for any role other than observer
limit_section_privileges boolean Defaults to false. When true, the enrollment will only allow the user to see and interact with users enrolled in the section given by course_section_id.
notify boolean If true, a notification will be sent to the enrolled user. Notifications are not sent by default.

* course_id or section_id is required, role or role_id is required, and user_id or user_integration_id is required.

** deleted_last_completed is not a state, but it combines the deleted and completed states in a function that will delete an enrollment from a course if there are at least one other active enrollment in the course. If it is the last enrollment in the course it will complete it. This may be useful for when a user moves to a different section of a course in which there are section specific assignments. It offloads the logic required to determine if the enrollment is the users last enrollment in the given course or not.

When an enrollment is in a 'completed' state the student is limited to read-only access to the course.

If in an 'inactive' state, the student will be listed in the course roster for teachers, but will not be able to view or participate in the course until the enrollment is activated.




Field Name Data Type Required Sticky Description
group_category_id text A unique identifier used to reference a group category. This identifier must not change for the group category, and must be globally unique.
account_id text The account identifier from accounts.csv, if no account or course is specified the group will be attached to the root account.
course_id text The course identifier from courses.csv, if no course or account is specified the group will be attached to the root account.
category_name text The name of the group category.
status enum active, deleted


GC08,A001,,First Group Category,active


Field Name Data Type Required Sticky Description
group_id text A unique identifier used to reference groups in the group_users data. This identifier must not change for the group, and must be globally unique.
group_category_id text The group category identifier from group_categories.csv, if none is specified the group will be put in the default group category for the account or course or root_account if there is no course_id or account_id.
account_id text The account identifier from accounts.csv, if none is specified the group will be attached to the root account.
course_id text The course identifier from courses.csv, if none is specified the group will be attached to the root account.
name text The name of the group.
status enum available, deleted




Field Name Data Type Required Sticky Description
group_id text The group identifier from groups.csv
user_id text The user identifier from users.csv
status enum accepted, deleted




Field Name Data Type Required Sticky Description
xlist_course_id text The course identifier from courses.csv
section_id text The section identifier from sections.csv
status enum active, deleted

xlists.csv is optional. The goal of xlists.csv is to provide a way to add cross-listing information to an existing course and section hierarchy. Section ids are expected to exist already and already reference other course ids. If a section id is provided in this file, it will be moved from its existing course id to a new course id, such that if that new course is removed or the cross-listing is removed, the section will revert to its previous course id. If xlist_course_id does not reference an existing course, it will be created. If you want to provide more information about the cross-listed course, please do so in courses.csv.

While the xlists.csv does not have any sticky fields, the sections.csv does have course_id as a sticky field. If the section's course_id is "sticky", the import will not cross list the section to another course unless it is run with the Override UI option on the sis import.




Field Name Data Type Required Sticky Description
observer_id text The User identifier from users.csv for the observing user.
student_id text The User identifier from users.csv for the student user.
status enum active, deleted

user_observers.csv is optional. The goal of user_observers.csv is to provide a way to create user_observers. These observers will automatically be enrolled as an observer for each of the students enrollments. When a user_observer is deleted the observer enrollments of the student are also deleted.




Field Name Data Type Required Sticky Description
user_id text The User identifier from users.csv
account_id text The account identifier from accounts.csv. Uses the root_account if left blank. The collumn is required even when importing for the root_account and the value is blank.
role_id text ✓* Uses a role id, either built-in or defined by the account.
role text ✓* AccountAdmin, or a custom role defined by the account
status enum active, deleted
root_account text The domain of the account to search for the user.

admins.csv is optional. When importing admins that already exist in canvas the admin will become managed by sis. An admin cannot be deleted by running a sis import unless the admin is already managed by sis. Batch mode does not apply to the admins.csv, but diffing mode does apply to the admins.csv. Admins that already exist in the account will receive a notification of the new admin if notification preferences are set to receive this type of notification.



* role or role_id is required.


Field Name Data Type Required Sticky Description
user_id text A unique identifier used to reference users in the enrollments table. This identifier must not change for the user, and must be globally unique. In the user interface, this is called the SIS ID.
integration_id text A secondary unique identifier useful for more complex SIS integrations. This identifier must not change for the user, and must be globally unique.
login_id text The name that a user will use to login to Instructure. If you have an authentication service configured (like LDAP), this will be their username from the remote system.
password text

If the account is configured to use LDAP or an SSO protocol then this should not be set. Otherwise this is the password that will be used to login to Canvas along with the 'login_id' above.

Setting the password will in most cases log the user out of Canvas. If the user has managed to change their password in Canvas they will not be affected by this. This latter case would happen if your institution transitioned from using Canvas authentication to a SSO solution. For this reason it is important to not set this if you are using LDAP or an SSO protocol.

ssha_password text Instead of a plain-text password, you can pass a pre-hashed password using the SSHA password generation scheme in this field. While better than passing a plain text password, you should still encourage users to change their password after logging in for the first time.
authentication_provider_id text or integer

The authentication provider this login is associated with. Logins associated with a specific provider can only be used with that provider. Legacy providers (LDAP, CAS, SAML) will search for logins associated with them, or unassociated logins. New providers will only search for logins explicitly associated with them. This can be the integer ID of the provider, or the type of the provider (in which case, it will find the first matching provider).

existing_user_id text ✓* The User sis id from users.csv, required to identify a user.
existing_integration_id text ✓* The User integration_id from users.csv, required to identify a user.
existing_canvas_user_id text ✓* The canvas id for a user, required to identify a user.
root_account text ✓* The domain of the account to search for the user. This field is required when identifying a user in a trusted account.
email text The email address of the user. This might be the same as login_id, but should still be provided.

* One of existing_user_id or existing_integration_id or existing_canvas_user_id is required.

logins.csv is optional. Logins can only be added to existing users. Logins can be removed using the users.csv.


01103,bsmith01,,,Bob,Smith,Bobby Smith,98,


Field Name Data Type Required Sticky Description
old_id text ✓* The current sis_id of the object that should be changed.
new_id text ✓* The desired sis_id of the object. This id must be currently unique to the object type and the root_account.
old_integration_id text ✓* The current integration_id of the object that should be changed. This column is not supported for group categories.
new_integration_id text ✓* The desired integration_id of the object. This id must be currently unique to the object type and the root_account. This column is not supported for group categories. Can pass "<delete>" to remove the integration_id from the object.
type text account, term, course, section, group, group_category, user

* old_id or old_integration_id is required, new_id or new_integration_id is required.

change_sis_id.csv is optional. The goal of change_sis_id.csv is to provide a way to change sis_ids or integration_ids of existing objects. If included in a zip file this file will process first. All other files should include the new ids.

