# Copyright (C) 2011 - present Instructure, Inc.
# This file is part of Canvas.
# Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see
<%= mt(:description, <<-TEXT, :kaltura_url => 'http://www.kaltura.com', :notification_url => 'http://your_canvas_domain/media_objects/kaltura_notifications') You will need an account either at [Kaltura.com](%{kaltura_url}) or with a self-hosted instance of Kaltura. **Note:** once you have Kaltura configured within Canvas, you need to go to the Kaltura Management Console and under "Settings -> Integration Settings" enable server notifications with a Notification URL of: %{notification_url} Then check the boxes for "Add Entry" and "Delete Entry" in the "Sent by Server" column. TEXT %> | |
<%= t('headers.domain_settings', "Domain Settings") %> |
<%= f.blabel :domain, :en => "Domain" %> |
<%= f.text_field :domain %>
<%= t('hints.domain', 'For hosted accounts, use "www.kaltura.com"') %>
<%= f.blabel :resource_domain, :en => "Resource Domain" %> |
<%= f.text_field :resource_domain %>
<%= t('hints.resource_domain', 'For hosted accounts, use "cdn.kaltura.com"') %>
<%= f.blabel :rtmp_domain, :en => "RTMP Domain" %> |
<%= f.text_field :rtmp_domain %>
<%= t('hints.rtmp_domain', 'For hosted accounts, use "www.kaltura.com"') %>
<%= t('headers.account_settings', "Account Settings") %><%= t(:account_settings, 'These values can be found in the Kaltura Management Console under "Settings -> Integration Settings"') %> |
<%= f.blabel :partner_id, :en => "Partner ID" %> | <%= f.text_field :partner_id %> |
<%= f.blabel :subpartner_id, :en => "Sub Partner ID" %> | <%= f.text_field :subpartner_id %> |
<%= f.blabel :secret_key, :en => "Administrator Secret" %> | <%= f.text_field :secret_key %> |
<%= f.blabel :user_secret_key, :en => "User Secret" %> | <%= f.text_field :user_secret_key %> |
<%= t('headers.ui_conf_ids', "UI Conf IDs") %><%= t(:ui_conf_ids, "For Kaltura-hosted customers, you can ask Kaltura to provide you with these ids. Self-hosted instances can find these values in the ui_confs table.") %> |
<%= f.blabel :player_ui_conf, :en => "Player UI Conf ID" %> | <%= f.text_field :player_ui_conf %> |
<%= f.blabel :kcw_ui_conf, :en => "KCW UI Conf ID" %> | <%= f.text_field :kcw_ui_conf %> |
<%= f.blabel :upload_ui_conf, :en => "Uploader UI Conf ID" %> | <%= f.text_field :upload_ui_conf %> |
<%= t('headers.canvas_settings', "Canvas Settings") %> |
<%= f.blabel :cache_play_list_seconds, :en => "Seconds to cache playlist URL" %>
<%= t(:cache_explanation, "Empty means cache indefinitely, 0 means don't cache.") %> |
<%= f.text_field :cache_play_list_seconds %> |
<%= t('headers.misc_settings', "Misc. Settings") %> |
<%= f.blabel :kaltura_sis, :en => "Write SIS data to Kaltura" %>
<%= t(:kaltura_sis_explanation, "If checked user and course SIS data will be provided to Kaltura.") %> |
<%= f.check_box :kaltura_sis %> |
<%= f.label :do_analytics, :en => "Send analytics events" %> | <%= f.check_box :do_analytics, {}, 'yes', 'no' %> |
<%= t(:kaltura_path_example, "e.g.")%>(#{domain}/api_v3/index.php?service=stats&action=collect&...) |
<%= f.label :hide_rte_button, :en => "Hide the video icon in Rich Content Editor." %> | <%= f.check_box :hide_rte_button, {}, 'yes', 'no' %> |
<%= t(:hide_rte_button_note, "(still there for conversations/SpeedGrader/Media Recordings homework submissions)")%> | |
<%= f.label :js_uploader, :en => "Use html5 (accessible) uploader" %> | <%= f.check_box :js_uploader, {}, 'yes', 'no' %> |