<% # Copyright (C) 2015 - present Instructure, Inc. # # This file is part of Canvas. # # Canvas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. # # Canvas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along # with this program. If not, see . %>

<%= mt(<<-TEXT, metadata_url: link_to(aac.entity_id, aac.entity_id)) The Canvas SAML Entity ID is %{metadata_url}, and the Service Provider metadata is available at that URL. TEXT %>

<% css_bundle :saml_fields %>

<%= t(<<-TEXT) Provide a URI to your IdP's metadata to automatically populate the other fields. If your school is part of InCommon or the UK Access Management Federation, specify urn:mace:incommon or http://ukfederation.org.uk, respectively, for the metadata URI, and also provide your school's entity ID. TEXT %>

<%= f.label :metadata_uri, t('IdP Metadata URI'), class: 'ic-Label', for: "metadata_uri_#{presenter.id_suffix(aac)}" %> <%= f.text_field :metadata_uri, class: 'ic-Input', id: "metadata_uri_#{presenter.id_suffix(aac)}" %>
<%= f.label :idp_entity_id, t('IdP Entity ID'), class: 'ic-Label', for: "idp_entity_id_#{presenter.id_suffix(aac)}" %> <%= f.text_field :idp_entity_id, class: 'ic-Input', id: "idp_entity_id_#{presenter.id_suffix(aac)}" %>
<%= f.label :log_in_url, t('Log On URL'), class: 'ic-Label', for: "log_in_url_#{presenter.id_suffix(aac)}" %> <%= f.text_field :log_in_url, class: 'ic-Input', id: "log_in_url_#{presenter.id_suffix(aac)}" %>
<%= f.label :log_out_url, t('Log Out URL'), class: 'ic-Label', for: "log_out_url_#{presenter.id_suffix(aac)}" %> <%= f.text_field :log_out_url, class: 'ic-Input', id: "log_out_url_#{presenter.id_suffix(aac)}" %>
<%= f.label :certificate_fingerprint, t('Certificate Fingerprint'), class: 'ic-Label', for: "certificate_fingerprint_#{presenter.id_suffix(aac)}" %> <%= f.text_field :certificate_fingerprint, class: 'ic-Input', id: "certificate_fingerprint_#{presenter.id_suffix(aac)}" %>
<%= f.label :login_attribute, t('Login Attribute'), class: 'ic-Label', for: "login_attributes_#{presenter.id_suffix(aac)}" %> <%= f.text_field(:login_attribute, class: 'ic-Input', id: "login_attributes_#{presenter.id_suffix(aac)}", list: "saml_login_attributes") %>
<%= f.label :strip_domain_from_login_attribute, t('Strip Domain From Login Attribute Value'), class: 'ic-Label', for: "strip_domain_from_login_attribute_#{presenter.id_suffix(aac)}" %> <%= f.check_box :strip_domain_from_login_attribute, class: 'strip_domain_from_login_attribute_checkbox', id: "strip_domain_from_login_attribute_#{presenter.id_suffix(aac)}" %>
<%= f.label :identifier_format, t('Identifier Format'), class: 'ic-Label', for: "identifier_format_#{presenter.id_suffix(aac)}" %> <%= f.select(:identifier_format, presenter.saml_identifiers, {}, class: 'ic-Input', id: "identifier_format_#{presenter.id_suffix(aac)}") %>
<%= f.label :requested_authn_context, t('Authentication Context'), class: 'ic-Label', for: "requested_authn_context_#{presenter.id_suffix(aac)}" %> <%= f.select(:requested_authn_context, presenter.saml_authn_contexts, {}, class: 'ic-Input', id: "requested_authn_context_#{presenter.id_suffix(aac)}") %>
<%= t('Message Signing') %>

<%= t('The algorithm to use for signing AuthnRequest, LogoutRequest, and LogoutResponse messages sent to the IdP.') %>

<%= f.radio_button :sig_alg, false, id: "no_sig_alg_#{presenter.id_suffix(aac)}", checked: aac.sig_alg.nil? %> <%= f.label :sig_alg, t('Not Signed'), for: "no_sig_alg_#{presenter.id_suffix(aac)}", class: 'ic-Label' %>
<%= f.radio_button :sig_alg, SAML2::Bindings::HTTPRedirect::SigAlgs::RSA_SHA1, id: "rsa_sha1_#{presenter.id_suffix(aac)}", checked: aac.sig_alg == SAML2::Bindings::HTTPRedirect::SigAlgs::RSA_SHA1 %> <%= f.label :sig_alg, t('RSA-SHA1'), for: "rsa_sha1_#{presenter.id_suffix(aac)}", class: 'ic-Label' %>
<%= f.radio_button :sig_alg, SAML2::Bindings::HTTPRedirect::SigAlgs::RSA_SHA256, id: "rsa_sha256_#{presenter.id_suffix(aac)}", checked: aac.sig_alg == SAML2::Bindings::HTTPRedirect::SigAlgs::RSA_SHA256 %> <%= f.label :sig_alg, t('RSA-SHA256'), for: "rsa_sha256_#{presenter.id_suffix(aac)}", class: 'ic-Label' %>
<%= render partial: 'jit_provisioning_field', locals: { aac: aac, presenter: presenter, f: f } %>