<% define_content :link do %> <%= polymorphic_url([asset.context, :discussion_topic], id: asset.discussion_topic_id, anchor: "entry-#{asset.id}") %> <% end %> <% define_content :subject do %> <%= t :subject, "New Comment on Announcement %{discussion_topic}: %{course}", :discussion_topic => asset.title, :course => asset.context.name %> <% end %> <% define_content :footer_link do %> <%= t :link, "Click here to join view the announcement" %> <% end %>

<%= t :body, "%{user} posted a new comment on the announcement: %{discussion_topic} for %{course}:", :user => asset.user.short_name, :discussion_topic => asset.title, :course => asset.context.name %>

<%= html_to_simple_html(asset.message, :base_url => dashboard_url) %>

<% if avatar_enabled? %>
<%= author_short_name%>
<%= author_email_address%>
<% else %>

<%= author_short_name%>
<%= author_email_address%>

<% end %> <% if IncomingMailProcessor::MailboxAccount.reply_to_enabled %>

<%= t :discussion_entry_reply_message, "Join the conversation using the link below, or comment by replying to this message. When allowed, if you need to include an attachment, please log in to Canvas and reply to the announcement." %>

<% else %>

<%= t "Join the conversation using the link below." %>

<% end %>